Sunday 23 March 2014

Day five, feeling awake and alive

Today is day 5, I have cried several times today from pain and emotional stress. Lyrica has made my hands swell, break out in a rash and made me dizzy. I have also been going hot an cold and breaking out in sweats. I dislocated my left and right shoulders, left elbow, left wrist and left pointer finger, right hip sublaxed and my right knee sublaxed. Today was not a good day for me. I tried to take my mind off the agony and layed in bed watching movies. I went outside for a little while until I became stricken with a sick feeling to my stomach. I was hoping that a breath of fresh air would do me some good, I suppose not. I tried telling some people that I will end up in a wheelchair permanently eventually.. It scared off a few people. I guess I know who will stick around to support me.. My mum. Family first, yeah it certainly applies, my mum is here beside me every step of the way. I cherish these moments when I'm in agony and she's here to comfort me. It makes me feel content and at ease.

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