Wednesday 26 March 2014

Day eight, full of hate

Today is day eight and I'm in terrible pain. My left and right shoulders are giving me a lot of grief, as well as my left hip, right knee, right elbow (stabbing pain), left ankle, lover back and temperature madibula (jaw). The right side of my rib cage was hurting when I sneezed also. Today I have really discovered some of the side effects of taking Lyrica. I gave been itching all over and constantly feeling nauseated. The worst side effect of taking Lyrica today was the uncontrollable exasibated levels of saliva being produced. I was drooling, as I ate my dinner; saliva ran out of my mouth and I was unable to control it. I produced 60ml in 6 minutes, of what I let fall from my mouth into a measuring jug. I've been getting terrible headaches and nightmares of late also, which is a bummer. I've been feeling really depressed at the fact that there are so many jobs I will be unable to do with suffering from the lengthy list of conditions and problems I have. I've also felt disheartened at the fact that my friends don't wanna hang out with me if I'm in my wheelchair and do not want to be seen pushing me around in Public. This makes me feel like complete and utter crap. It's quite sad how people of today's society act, the level of immaturity and the lack of care  towards others fills me with such rage and sadness. It's such a terrible way of life that the people of Australia live. With no consideration to other peoples feelings and no compassion for people who do feel emotions and aren't robots; what kind of generation is this? "Generation don't give a crap about others". Some people want to be loved, and enjoy the things that life has to offer. There is so little I am able to do without being torn apart by pain, but I would like compassionate friends to stay by my side. But it's too much to ask  I suppose. I would appreciate a moment where pain didn't matter and I was surrounded by compassion and filled with content.

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