Monday 7 April 2014

Losing track of time

I can't even remember what number of days have passed since I last posted. I feel terribly annoyed that I didn't get to update on how I'm going on the correct day.It's quite frustrating as I was hoping for daily posts. I haven't been feeling the best of late. I've been in a lot of pain also. I've had problems with just about every bone in my body. Both ankle, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, wrist, left thumb, back, neck and jaw. I've been having allergic reactions to every meal I've eaten. So, tomorrow I'm going to the doctors to organise testing done to see if I've become intolerable to other foods, as I am already prophylactic to peanuts and tamarind. Oh joy. I've been feeling a little blue of late as I've been gaining huge amounts of weight. I went from having a thigh gap to none, I've visably gone up a cup size and my stomach is bigger than previous weeks from being on Lyrica. I'm going to be reducing my intakes to liquids also. I tried a soup diet, but I got sick afterwards. I've also tried Sustagen, but it tasted like a thick, strained custard tart! On thursday I'm going to get my jaw splint mouth guard thing and having a physio session done I think. I've been looking foreward to this for a while. I'm also looking forward to making clothing. I'm picking up a few things and I'm going to make some cool stuff to try and take my mind of the pain. I've also been painting a few pictures and drawing, but I have to take a lot of breaks as my hands get really sore and tired. Like right now, writing this post. I went to the Art Gallery in the city with my friend on Saturday, she pushed me around in my wheelchair. It was a lovely day over all, I did get really sore though. We also went to the beach at 10pm and left around 12am. It was really lovely, to just go sit on the sand, enjoy the night sea breeze and the smell of the ocean. It was amazing just to simply put my feet in the sand and the water, even if it was pitch black!
I'll be updating how it goes tomorrow!

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